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When To Say No

As entrepreneurs, we are often inundated with requests to participate in, speak at, or to do different things for organizations, businesses and for people in general. It feels nice, right? It is also really exciting when you are new in business. People are recognizing the value you offer. Congrats! However, saying yes to every opportunity is a recipe for burnout.

One thing to keep in mind is that every opportunity is not a good opportunity. We have to think quality over quantity. How do you determine that? I get that question quite often during my trainings. I am going to give you a couple tips on how to decide if an opportunity is a good fit.

First, get your paper and pencil. Write them down.

1. Develop a strong mission statement. You may already have one, which is awesome. If you don't have one, there is no time like the present. But the first step is to develop a strong mission statement.

Once you have that mission statement, I want you to take that a little further. Write three supporting objectives for that mission statement. What actions will drive that mission; these are the objectives. These are the vehicles to getting your mission accomplished. For example, if your mission is to help inner-city girls learn STEM skills, then your objectives may be, to advocate to include more math and science in the curriculum. It may be to expose them to careers in STEM industries.

Keep your mission statement and those objectives posted nearby. That way it's easy to refer to. It keeps your mind focused when you're working.

Once you have your mission statement and three objectives defined, we can move on to step two.

2. When the opportunity comes, all you have to do is look at that list of objectives and the mission statement and ask yourself if the opportunity supports your mission and objectives or is that totally off base? And then you get to determine whether it's a good fit or not. If it's a great fit, hey, great. Let's do it. If it's not, a good fit, then say, “I really appreciate the opportunity, but unfortunately right now, it doesn't support where we are, where we're going in the business.” Of course, you say what feels good for you. If you know someone who is a good fit say, “but I do have someone I can refer you to.” And then that way you've brought people together who are a good fit and at the same time, you've preserved your energy. Because there's only so much you can do. you preserve your image in your time, the third thing.

3. This one is a little different. This is a say yes tip because it is a win/win. Instead of only waiting for opportunities that come to you on this one, I'm telling you to go out and seek opportunities that do align with your mission statement and objectives. Find people and organizations that you would like to partner with and develop a plan that positions your request as mutually beneficial.

Now, if you don't have a mission statement and you have no idea where to start, no problem, I can help you there. Let's get on a call and talk about it. The start of any good marketing plan is a mission statement. It is essential to have one for any business. It sets the foundation.

In the signature coaching formula I developed, Six M’s, we establish six things that are essential in your marketing plan. And we start with the mission statement. If you need help with clarity around your mission statement, book a call here and let’s get it figured out.



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